Separation Anxiety Disorder

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Is a disorder where a child suffers from extreme worries of getting apart from their loved family members or their loved places they are emotionally attached to.

Worried that your child might have SAD:

  1. Does your child get frightened and have nightmares by thinking of getting separated?
  2. Does your child have this tendency of overly reliant on you, even at home?
  3. Does your child refuse to go to schools or going out?
  4. Does your child have a lot of temper, tantrums when separated from parents / caregivers?
  5. Does your child have frequent nausea, headaches or muscle aches?


Play Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: by recognizing and vocalize worry and fear


Family directed interactions

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy: a kind of therapy that helps to deal with difficult situations